Jul 7, 2023

Your car brakes are essential for driving safely on the road, and it’s important to take care of them. There are a variety of helpful pointers that will lengthen the lifespan of this crucial component, such as scheduling regular service for your brakes in Woodbridge, NJ.

Drive Slower

Braking when driving at high speeds is the cause of premature brake pad wear. Driving at a faster speed also forces you to use the brakes more often when approaching slower vehicles on the road. You can increase the longevity of your brakes if you drive at a lower speed.

Keep Your Car Light

Carrying heavy objects in your car will result in a shorter brake pad life due to the stress this creates for the brake system when halting to a stop. Take some time to clear out your car’s back seats and trunk.

If you regularly use your car to haul or tow trailers, the brakes should be checked more often than average vehicles.

Don’t Slam the Brakes

Avoid slamming on the brakes. Drive at a slower speed and brake smoothly. This will protect your brake pads and extend their lifespan.

Be Aware of The Road When You Drive

Pay closer attention to the road, other vehicles, and stoplights to utilize the brakes less. This will help you react more effectively when braking to a stop. This will also ensure a safer trip for you and your passengers.

Regular Brake Maintenance

Keep a routine maintenance schedule for your car’s brake system. This will ensure your vehicle continues running smoothly and safely on the road. We recommend getting the brakes checked every 20,000 to 30,000 miles with normal driving use.

Schedule MAZDA Service for Your Brakes in Woodbridge, NJ

Schedule a service appointment for your Mazda car at Sansone Mazda today! Our certified Mazda technicians will ensure your car is serviced well and runs smoothly on the road.