Jan 11, 2023
Jump Starting a Car

Do you know how to jump-start your Mazda vehicle? Learning how to restart a dead battery is an important skill for all drivers. If you don’t jump-start your car correctly, this can lead to injury or damage to your vehicle. Our Mazda service team is reviewing what you need to know about jump-starting your Mazda vehicle.

Setting Up

You will need a pair of jumper cables and another working vehicle to begin. Park the cars facing each other or side by side, and make sure they’re both turned off. Next, pop the hood and locate the battery of each vehicle.   

Locate your jumper cables. The red cable attaches to the positive (+) terminals, and the black cable is for the negative (-) terminal and grounding.

Attach the cables, beginning by connecting the red clamp to the dead battery’s positive terminal. Connect the other red clamp to the booster battery’s positive terminal. Next, attach the black clamp to the booster battery’s negative terminal, and finally, attach the other black clamp to an unpainted metal part of the dead car’s engine.

Jump-Starting Your Car

Once everything is connected, turn on the working vehicle’s engine. Then, try to start the vehicle with the dead battery. If it doesn’t work, let the battery charge for a few minutes and then try again.

Once the car is successfully jump-started, remove the jumper cables carefully. They should be removed in the reverse order they were connected. Close the hood of both vehicles and stow away your jumper cables.  

If your battery continues to die, it may be time for a new battery. Schedule a visit to our Sansone Mazda service center, and one of our technicians will be happy to help.